Rabu, 31 Mei 2017



Assalamualaikum Warrhmatullahi Wabarakatuh…

My name FAHMI NUR ASHARI , a final semester student at Fakultas Teknik, Major Teknik Sipil, Prodi Teknik Sipil Unniversity Tanjung Pura Pontianak, have a dream.. if given sustenance in the future, the kind of business I’d like to have in the future is contruction service. Aamiin ya ALLAH
To follow the infrastructure development in Indonesia lately, or specialy of our region “Kalimantan Barat”. It seems like the opportunity to work in construction field is very promising in the future. Clearly because the news about one of the West Kalimantan region will build the international port/pier in Mempawah City, soon. This surely provides an opportunity for engineers in West Kalimantan, both in terms of the construction of the pier and to overcome the transportation problems that may later be dealing with more complex issues.
This obviously provides an opportunity for engineers in West Kalimantan, both in terms of construction of the dock itself and for addressing possible transportation problems and the day will encounter more complex problems. This opportunity is open to the engineers of West Kalimantan, because it is more aware of the geological situation in its own region. In addition, other examples that have been clearly visible in West Kalimantan today, especially in Pontianak City and Kubu Raya District, have been many realized infrastructure developments, for example "Trans Studio-Kubu Raya Development".
In my opinion, business in the field of construction services business is very promising in providing great benefits. In addition to benefiting, we also include being one of those who play a role for the development of our own region, "West Kalimantan". And also, the benefits that have been obtained, can later be developed into other businesses or businesses. For example, such as, developing a culinary business or so. Well .. that's also my dream. Can develop into other businesses.
So, for now .. I personally feel grateful to have the education in the Faculty of Engineering. I hope that every knowledge I have been learned, can be useful for myself, nation and my country .. especially for beloved area "Pontianak Kote Bersinar-Kalimantan Barat" ....
And also the thing to remember, that to open a business .. someone will need capital. What it's mean here is something to cover everything, for example "experience, relationships, and of course in terms of material". In shaa Allah ..

Selasa, 30 Mei 2017



The Foundation of the building is the most important construction on a building. Because the Foundation serves as the "restraining the entire load (live and dead) on it and forces from outside". The Foundation is part of the structure which serves to pass on the load to the support soil layers beneath it. In any structure, loads that occur either caused by the weight of its own or due to the load of the plan should be channeled into a supporting layer in this case is the land under the structure.
Generally, there are two types of Foundation, those are as the following:
§  Shallow Foundation.

The depth of the Foundation is less or equal to the width of the Foundation (D ≤ B). Shallow foundations according to the shape of its construction are divided into four types, there are:
§  Continuous Footing
§  Individual Footing
§  Combines Footing
§  PMat Footing/Raft Footing

§  Deep Foundation.
The depth of foundation from the face of the land more than 5 times to the width of foundation (D ≤ 5B). Deep Foundation is also divided into several types, there are:
§  Pile Foundation
§  Pier Foundation
§  Well (Caissons) Foundation

Concrete is one of the commonly used materials as the Foundation materials. Concrete foundations are very suitable as a foundation for the structure of reinforced concrete or steel buildings, bridges, towers, and other structures. The load of the column are forwarded to the Foundation and further spread to the surface of the ground where the resting/standing Foundation takes place. From a brief explanation, then the soil need an analysis of the power support (q ultimate) so that it can withstand the load/weight and bearing on it.

The selection of the Foundation should be done based on the investigation of soil support resources around the specified location. Soil investigation in a field that is often made is:

a.    Drilling
Drilling is very important in soil investigation because with drill known soil layers under the location where the foundation of a building stand on.

b.    Soil Sampling
Soil sampling is carried out for further testing in the laboratory. There are two kinds of soil samples for laboratory testing.

a)    Undisturbed soil samples (undisturbed sample), soil samples that had its original properties in accordance with the soil conditions at the place of sampling the soil. The original nature include of the soil structure, soil density, soil water content and the condition of its chemical bonding. Undisturbed soil samples is very important to test the strength of the soil grains that are associated with shear angle of land and the value of cohesion between soil granules, compressibility and permeability values.

b)   Disturbed soil samples (disturb sample), soil samples were taken without retain their original properties. Disturbed soil samples are usually used for grain size analysis, Waterberg limits (including liquid limit and plastic index), and the classification of the soil as well as compaction test.

c.    Penetration testing (penetration soil) was performed to find out which resources support soil directly in the field. Penetration testing is done by two methods, as follows:

a.       Static Testing Method
Generally performed with sondir (Dutch Static Penetrometer) that is the forms of konus in the edge of sondir which will be press enter into the soil layer. Great force that is obtained is measured with a pressure gauge (manometer gauge) that shows the value of the konus prisoners in kg/cm2. Konus value that have been obtained is the value of the relative density (relative density) of soil layers that is measured.

b.      Dynamic testing is done with SPT (Standard Penetration Test), the way it works is the standard example of cylindrical tubes bear goes into the soil using accumulate tool that have 140 pounds weight (63.5 kg) dropped from a height of 30 inches (76 cm) which is calculated as the value of N with the units blow per foot (blows per foot).
Testing with static penetration methods is more appropriate in Indonesia which the soil conditions consisted of a layer of sand/silt or clays. The results of the static penetration methods usually more accurate than the results of dynamic penetration testing (SPT).


            Pondasi bangunan adalah konstruksi yang paling terpenting pada suatu bangunan. Karena pondasi berfungsi sebagai “penahan seluruh beban (hidup dan mati) yang berada di atasnya dan gaya-gaya dari luar”. Pondasi merupakan bagian dari struktur yang berfungsi meneruskan beban menuju ke lapisan tanah pendukung di bawahnya. Dalam struktur apapun, beban yang terjadi baik disebabkan oleh berat sendiri ataupun akibat beban rencana harus disalurkan ke dalam suatu lapisan pendukung dalam hal ini adalah tanah yang ada di bawah struktur tersebut.
            Secara umum dikenal 2 mamcam jenis pondasi, diantanya:
§    Pondasi Dangkal
Kedalaman pondasi kurang atau sama dengan lebar pondasi (D B). Pondasi dangkal menurut bentuk konnstruksinya dibagi menjadi empat jenis, diantany:
§  Pondasi Menerus (Continous Footing)
§  Pondasi Telapak (Individual Footing)
§  Pondasi Kaki Gabungan (Combined Footing)
§  Pondasi Pelat (Mat Footing/Raft Footing)
§    Pondasi Dalam
Kedalaman pondasi dari muka tanah lebih dari 5 kali lebar pondasi (D 5B). Pondasi dalam juga terbagi ke dalam beberapa jenis, diantarnya:
§  Pondasi Sumuran
§  Pondasi Tiang Pancang
§  Pondai Bore Pile
            Beton merupakan salah satu material yang umum digunakan sebagai bahan material pondasi tersebut. Pondasi beton tersebut sangat cocok digunakan sebagai pondasi untuk struktur beton bertulang maupun bangunan baja, jembatan, menara, dan struktur lainnya. Beban dari kolom diteruskan ke pondasi untuk selanjutnya disebar ke permukaan tanah tempat bertumpu/berpijaknya pondasi. Dari penjelasan singkat tersebut, maka tanah tersebut perlu untuk dilakukan analisis daya dukung (q ultimate) agar dapat menahan dan memikul beban/berat di atasnya.
Pemilihan pondasi harus dilakukan berdasarkan penyelidikan daya dukung tanah di sekitar lokasi yang telah ditentukan. Penyelidikan tanah di lapangan yang sering dilakukan adalah:
a.              Pemboran (Drilling)
Pemboran sangat penting dalam penyelidikan tanah karena dengan membor dapat diketahui lapisan-lapisan tanah yang berada di bawah lokasi tempat berdirinya bangunan.
b.             Pengambilan Contoh Tanah (Soil Sampling)
Pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan untuk selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian di laboratorium. Ada dua macam contoh tanah untuk dilakukan pengujian laboratorium.
a.    Contoh tanah yang tidak terganggu (undistrub sample), yaitu contoh tanah yang mempunyai sifat-sifat aslinya sesuai dengan kondisi tanahdi tempat pengambilan contoh tanah. Sifat aslinya meliputi kondisi struktur tanah, kepadatan tanah, kadar air dan kondisi ikatan kimianya. Contoh tanah yang tidak terganggu sangat penting untuk melakukan pengujian kekuatan butir tanah yang berhubungan dengan sudut geser tanah dan nilai kohesi antar butiran tanah, nilai kompresibilitas dan permeabilitas.
b.    Contoh tanah yang terganggu (distrub sample), yaitu contoh tanah yang diambil tanpa harus mempertahankan sifat-sifat aslinya. Contoh tanah terganggu biasanya digunakan untuk analisi ukuran butiran, batas-batas atterberg (meliputi batas cair dan indek plastis), klasifikasi tanah serta uji pemadatan.
c.              Pengujian penetrasi (pentration soil) dilakukan untuk mengetahui daya dukung tanah secara langsung di lapangan. Pengujian penetrasi ini dilakukan dengan dua metode, sebagai berikut:
a.         Metode Pengujian Statis
Umumnya dilakukan dengan alat sondir (Dutch Static Penetrometer) yaitu berupa konus pada ujung alat sondir yang ditekan masuk ke dalam lapisan tanah. Besar gaya yang diperoleh diukur dengan alat pengukur tekanan (manometer gauge) yang menunjukkan nilai tahanan konus dalam kg/cm2. Nilai konus yang diperoleh adalah nilai dari kepadatan relatif (relative denisty) dari lapisan-lapisan tanah yang diukur.
b.        Pengujian dinamis dilakukan dengan alat SPT (Standard Penetration Test), cara kerjanya adalah tabung silinder contoh standar dipikul masuk ke dalam tanah menggunakan alat penumpuk seberat 140 pound (63,5 kg) yang dijatuhkan dari ketinggian 30 inchi (76 cm) yang dihitung sebagai nilai N dengan satuan pukulan per kaki (blows per foot).
Pengujian dengan metode penetrasi statis lebih sesuai digunakan di Indonesia yang kondisi tanhnya terdiri dari laisan tanah pasir/lanau atau lempung lunak. Hasil metode penetrasi statis biasanya hasilnya lebih tepat daripada hasil pengujian penetrasi dinamis (SPT).